Hillman Wonders Hillman Wonders of the World

Canal du Midi

Canal du Midi Map Canal du Midi cruise tips & insights
Quick overview
The Canal du Midi was constructed by 12,000 workers in the 17th century to let cargo barges take a short cut from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. It meanders between Toulouse and Sete in southern France for a distance of 240 kilometers (150 miles).

Today, the waterway is used mainly by barging and yachting vacationers.

Best stretch
Select the segment between Carcassonne and Colombiers. It has the highest concentration of stunning vistas and attractions. And you avoid the time-wasting 8-lock Forseranes complex, which lies between Colombiers and Beziers (see map above).

Canal du MidiThe gratifying barge experience
But before you decide to barge, recognize...
Not a vacation for some people.

When to go
May to September is the prime season with July and August the peak. April and October are nippy, but less crowded and lower priced.

Most barges are hired through rental agencies, not directly from the owners.

Don't be disappointed - Verify that you boat meets your expecations before you book
Boats vary considerable in variables.
Lengths - Up to 30 meters (100 feet)
Widths - Narrow and wide
Ages - New to too old
States of repair - Good to bad
Cruise lengths - 2 to 7 days
Berths - 4 to 12

Personnel and rates also vary: Travel upstream or downstream?
Book the latter direction. Going through the locks will be easier and less arduous.

You can do it practically anywhere. Tie up your boat to a countryside tree or to a village dock.
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