Pergamon Acropolis

It was one of the most spectacular building complexes in the Hellenistic period.
Top 4 Pergamon Acropolis historic ruins
1. Great Altar of Zeus
In the 1870s, German archaeologist Karl Humann shipped the Great Altar's prized section (which contained the famous friezes) to the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. Turkey wants it returned.
2. Theatre
This 10,000-spectator amphitheatre is the steepest ever constructed (see photo).
3. Sanctuary of Trajan
Its size and high location helped it visually dominate the entire complex.
4. Library
Mark Anthony gave ownership of it to Cleopatra as a gift. The library contained a magnificent collection of ancient-world documents.
Other historic attractions
Beyond the Acropolis boundaries are two other outstanding Pergamon sites:
Sanctuary of Asklepion
It's dedicated to the god of healing and was a major medical center.
- Serapis Temple
This Egyptian god temple is nicknamed the "Red Basilica" because of its red bricks and its conversion to a church.
How to pronounce
Pergamon = purr-guh-mun
Not for every tourist
Unless you like history, this site might not be for you. Except for the theatre, the major ruins are not well-preserved.
Location in Turkey