Hillman Wonders Hillman Wonders of the World


Saba Why Saba is special
The tiny island of Saba (say'-bah) is the exposed tip of a huge submerged volcano. This island is known for diving, hiking, and eco-focus. To pilots, Saba is world famous for its challenging sea-cliff-edged airport.

Saba's top attractions
Top 4 attractions
See map for their locations
Saba mispronunciation
Many visitors pronounce the island sah'-bah instead of say'-bah. So many foreigners use the French-style pronunciation that locals no longer correct them. But if you do say Saba correctly, you will earn their respect.

Saba is widely admired for its minimalist tourism infrastructure
It has one main road connecting several villages, only 1500 residents, limited accommodations, scant nightlife, and zero beaches.

They come by sea or air. Not only is the airstrip one of the world's shortest, it's situated on a mountainous terrain.

Dutch is the official language, but English is the predominant tongue.

Location Map
Saba Map
Saba Map
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